Friday, March 24, 2006

Nobody Likes A Hypocrite

I am always "tickled pink" when I hear someone spout off, ”The war in Iraq is all about oil!”

I'm the first to shoot back,
“So what if it is?” Do you really care what the war is all about? Do you really want to know? Or are you on the political idealist bandwagon showing how cool it is to have an opinion and be a self-righteous, neer-do-well, hip-to-be-peaceful dissenter?"

There are two sides to everything - a
Yin and a Yang - a dark and light - the buttered side and the side that fell into the dirt! When it comes right down to it, you're going to have to take a good hard look at yourself and realize that you are a product of the two sides, and that your opinion, although logical in some respect, may have no basis what so ever in the line of popular argument. As you have probably come to realize, there are some people out there that will NEVER get what you are trying to say.

My rebuttal to all of the peace loving folks out in the United States who critique mercilessly and raise the bar of dissent a little more each day is this: you offer nothing to the solution and are more a part of the problem than you believe yourself to be!

When you walk away from your $60,000 a year job and begin to volunteer your time...

When you donate that $30,000 sports car and walk or
ride a bike EVERYDAY to that volunteer assignment...

When you give-up your $350,000 house or recycle it altogether...

When your reliance upon petroleum products is reduced to nothing, you live in a tee-pee, hunt and gather your food, make your own clothes and barter or trade services and deeds for products, then (and only then) can you label society on the whole.

So, if you want to label someone as a fascist; a tyrant; a dictator; a right-wing nut-job or a liberal douche-bag take a good, hard, long look in the mirror and see the plain truth before your eyes. Do not judge unless you are ready to be judged yourself.

It's just plain fact...NOBODY likes a
hypocrite! Except the press! Hypocrites make for great media and newspaper stories.

Have you taken a look in the mirror lately? What did you see?

(Is that a network news crew out in the driveway?...)

(Originally published 25 march 2006 on the blog "The Curbside Philosopher")


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